570.322.2077 | Williamsport
814.237.4100 | State College
570.746.3844 | Wyalusing
570.265.1800 | Wysox
814.900.7613 | Altoona
570.266.7034 | Wilkes-Barre

Are you or a family member currently receiving veterans' benefits from the Veterans' Administration? If so, are you fully aware of how they work and how to maximize their effectiveness, especially when combined with other government benefits, pension or retirement benefits? If not, or even if you are pretty aware but are always interested in learning something new, then you will want to listen to the Second Half of Life Podcast episode 49. In this episode, titled "Basic Training: How to Make the Most of Your Veterans' Benefits," Attorney Brittany Smith and Long-Term Care Planner Tammy Zilske discuss everything you need to know about VA benefits and unlocking their full potential. Topics include eligible wartimes and available benefits for spouses, how to access the three levels of monthly pension, income and net worth limits (which isn't the same as your standard net worth) including the maximum annual pension rate, utilizing VA benefits to pay for long-term care, the three-year VA lookback (not to be confused with the five-year lookback for Medicaid), as well as other gifting guidelines, and much more.  

All episodes of the Second Half of Life Podcast can be found on the Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak website, as well as on most podcast directories, which includes Apple PodcastsSpotifyTuneIn + Alexa, iHeartRadioStitcherPodcast AddictGoogle PodcastsPodchaserDeezerListen NotesBullhornOvercastPocket CastsCastroCastboxPodfriend, Player FM, Podcast Index and Pandora


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