570.322.2077 | Williamsport
814.237.4100 | State College
570.746.3844 | Wyalusing
570.265.1800 | Wysox
814.900.7613 | Altoona
570.266.7034 | Wilkes-Barre

There are legal strategies that are available to anyone that can help minimize the financial and emotional impact of a healthcare crisis for you or your family. The strategies that you choose to take will likely vary based on your own individual circumstances, goals, family dynamic, and many other factors. But the bottom line is, this array of strategies is available to anyone - it's just a matter of how, and perhaps more importantly when, you choose to use them. In the Second Half of Life Podcast episode 50, titled "The Secret Strategy: Planning Tips for Your Second Half of Life," Attorney Brittany Smith and Long-Term Care Planner Tammy Zilske discuss these different strategies. Learn more about the five-year Medicaid lookback period and how to use that to your advantage to qualify for Medical Assistance to help pay for long-term care if you need it in the future, or even right now. Brittany and Tammy also discuss the foundational legal documents that everyone needs, legal strategies that will protect your home and assets from the cost of long-term care, why starting early BEFORE a healthcare crisis is critical and will lead to better outcomes, and different planning options that put YOU in control.

All episodes of the Second Half of Life Podcast can be found on the Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak website, as well as on most podcast directories, which includes Apple PodcastsSpotifyTuneIn + Alexa, iHeartRadioStitcherPodcast AddictGoogle PodcastsPodchaserDeezerListen NotesBullhornOvercastPocket CastsCastroCastboxPodfriend, Player FM, Podcast Index and Pandora

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