570.322.2077 | Williamsport
814.237.4100 | State College
570.746.3844 | Wyalusing
570.265.1800 | Wysox
814.900.7613 | Altoona
570.266.7034 | Wilkes-Barre

The federal SECURE Act was signed into law in late 2019 and took effect on Jan. 1, 2020, so we're currently in the third year of this legislation. Given how drastically it changed how certain retirement accounts can be passed onto certain beneficiaries, it is something that we need to keep top of mind when advising our clients on the best road to take as they map out their estate plan. In the Second Half of Life Podcast, season 2, episode 2, Attorney Jenna Franks discusses the SECURE Act's effect on estate planning, based on the firm's experience in planning with clients over the first year of the law being in effect. While originally given to a group of professionals, this presentation can be helpful for those about to begin their estate planning and those that have already done some planning, but who could be affected by the provisions in the SECURE Act. Jenna also gives a few case examples of how the SECURE Act has affected hypothetical clients with certain IRAs to pass to their heirs after they pass.

All episodes of the Second Half of Life Podcast can be found on the Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak website, as well as on most podcast directories, which includes Apple PodcastsSpotifyTuneIn + Alexa, iHeartRadioStitcherPodcast AddictGoogle PodcastsPodchaserDeezerListen NotesBullhornOvercastPocket CastsCastroCastboxPodfriend, Player FM, Podcast Index and Pandora

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